News !

There's a new PRIMA DONKEY song "Cold Grey Light Of Dawn" available in our download section. Go fetch it! Now!

Prima Donkey's 2006 version of SUICIDE's 'Ghost Rider'
to be found in the download section.
In loving memory of Tom De Weerdt (1967-2014)

Donkeyboni is honoured to support legendary group
"THE POGUES" july 11th at Rivierenhof. Start at 20.00h

A new Donkey outfit is born, nomadic by nature:
First gigs to be viewed in the agenda section.

Craig Ward, Gunter Nagels meet Brother Marcus and will play on 1st of april, April's Fools day in Cafe Belgique, Gravenstraat 2, Amsterdam.

DONKEY d'O revamps in Ghent and ANtwerp uniting with their Amsterdam Friends Party-version of 2010 : Nuit Blanche. Plan your city trip round 19th of june and look out for "Les Salons de B"

DONKEY DIESEL will be riding again!
June 21st: Belgian Roots Night @ Petrol, Antwerpen & July 3rd: Café Belgique in Amsterdam (NL).
PRIMA DONKEY will rise at De Molens van Orshoven, Leuven.
A live recording will be made on the -free- closing night there. June 26th -- Check it out!

Tune Up - One of Antwerp's finest recordstores is relocating to Melkmarkt 17. This will be celebrated by music, art & coffee.
Join in on April 1st - together with Zita Swoon, The Go Find, Mauro, DONKEY TONK, ...

Amsterdam's "Café Belgique" will host their first DONKEYTRON NIGHT on 6th of october between 2300h and 0100h.
On the 22nd of November:
PRIMA DONKEY will be one of Stef Kamil's invitees at the Ancienne Belgique: Carte Blanche!

Wiehiie - on August 28th - another DONKEY DIESEL - This time in Brussels:
Check O(n)ze Festival

DONKEY DIESEL will play in Antwerp's "Spiegeltent" on 3rd of august, celebrating the Astral Sign of Leo.
Bring your camcorder.

Another unique Prima Donkey experience to be expected on June 25th at Braakland, Leuven.
Familiar faces gather with less familar faces - not to be missed !

Saturday 5th of April AMBRASSBAND celebrates his 6th anniversary at KAVKA, Antwerpen.
Special guest: DONKEY DIESEL !
500 12" LP's (STAMINA!) will be available that day to be painted, decorated, whatever by several artists... A special event between 23h & 01h.
On another level: PRIMA DONKE's TUNE UP TIME coming soon at ABclub on March 21st & in Berlin (HAU) March 29th. All these goodies are offered to you by the RADICAL DUKE.

A cliffhanger for the New Year:
DONKEY DIESEL & AMBRASSBAND are recording new songs - as we speak.
Gregor, Kike, Jules & Bruno will do the honours of producing. We'll keep you updated in 2008 !

After 3110 and 0311, 3011 will offer a new (and increasingly rare) chance to see a Donkey outfit live on stage. Jorunn Bauweraerts, Han Stubbe, Bruno Melon, Kasper de Vos, Jules Lemmens and Gunter Nagels will support the Partchesz on their Eeklo gig
- codename ; WOODEN DONKEY.

PRIMA DONKEY III is born - first gig will be this friday at the Pukkelpop Festival.
New member off the band is the amazing TEKNAR, who supplies the Prima Songs with a visual extra.

To celebrate the release of
“Prima Donkey’s Rythme Exotique” an
performance will be given at this years
on the 16th of November.
Trijn Janssens, Geert Waegeman, Rudy Trouvé, Kike Noviello, Jen Vandermeesch, Jules Lemmens, Bjorn Eriksson, Han Stubbe & Gunter Nagels will be providing the musical backdrop for
La Fille d'O's "Cake,
Cats & Curiosity"- presentation on 24th of august. Call
it Donkey d'O !

New dates, words, links and contacts added both on and off the Donkey Balance Sheet as we celebrate
the 8 new arrivals in the download section.
Keep checking this site for more Prima Diesel Stuff of Wooden Diva Stature,
coming your way from the ever growing Donkey Family Vaults!
With an album currently in the works and the release date set
to the end of august, a third PRIMA DONKEY concert will be held on this
year's "FEEËRIEËN".
On the 29th of august, musicians from both Prima Donkey I and II will
perform together with the inimitable Dijf Sanders.

Due to ill health of Jack The Ripper's
singer and the inevitable annulation of their gig in Tourcoing, Donkey
Diesel will likewise NOT be playing on the 17th of March.
We wish Monsieur Jack a quick recovery!

With the CD-version of 'DD's CHARM!' being released
on the Lowlands
label this week, the band thought it wise to start introducing new material.
On the 10th of march they will be playing
De Brakke Grond in Amsterdam, together with their close friends of Dez
Mona. Furthermore, the trio
will be performing once again (codename : DONKEY DIVA).
Check agenda!

Greetings and lots of new Donkey Music,
and Pictures
to you all!! Looks like 2006 is going to be quite a busy year for all
things Donkey. For starters Kasper, Bruno and Gunter will be performing
a one off interpretation of the famous WOODY!, aptly
titled WOODEN
DONKEY. So if you’re between 3 and 4 years old and you’re
reading this, don’t hesitate to bring your mama…This is part
of VZW Luxemburg’s

Unseen Boomtown pictures from the wonderful Alternative
Teken Crew can be viewed in the photo-section,
also 2 new Antwerp dates been added. One of them billing the same night
as the fantastic Dirty

More info as to where DD's Charm! will be available
for purchase can be found here!

New dates
been added, one being a new collaboration scheduled to perform at Rudy
Trouvé's breath-taking exposition being held this month in
Ward, Gregory Frateur
and Gunter Nagels have been overheard to take us on a musical trip back
to the Age of Prestructuralism.

With the first presales already met, we can now officially anounce
the following : DD's first album, entitled "DONKEY DIESEL's
CHARM!" will be released on September 16th through Lowlands
distribution. This unique offering will initially consist of one VINYL album plus a personal licence to download the entire album in its digital
format. Some extra tracks will be presented too. More info in
the weeks to come!

December 2nd sees the return of PRIMA DONKEY,
in an event which is rightfully announced as PRIMA DONKEY II Once again the challenge will be to present a one-off "oeuvre du
jour" through a widespread variety of musical textures. 2 new members
are set to appear, being Roel Jacobs (Seatsniffers) and Simon Lenski (DAAU).
More details here.

Expectations are rising with what looks like 10 weeks separating
the Donkeys from their first VINYL outing. The album
will contain the complete LIVE show of December 10th,
2004 and will be released throughout the Kingdom. Definitely more info
to come!

New dates added in Agenda

Seven Deadly Donkey Tunes to be discovered in the download
section! Amongst others, you will find the first exclusive PRIMA DONKEY outings, straight out of the rehearsal room. You can now judge for yourself
why RADIO 1 has decided to record the AB show on March 4th… for future broadcasting
"Having secretly double-checked the hidden agendas of Jorunn
Bauweraerts, Nathalie Delcroix, Buni Lenski, Han Stubbe, Rudy Trouvé,
Geert Waegeman, Kristiaan Bosschaert and Gunter Nagels, we can now officially
state that they will be performing together on March 4th at the ABClub
in Brussels
Codename : PRIMA

Rumour has it that DAAU feat. Gunter will be appearing on the 'December
8'-edition of TV1's
"De Laatste Show".
File under : TV SETS ON FIRE

1 New Song To Be Found In The DOWNLOAD
being the DONKEY-DAAU collaboration ‘CATFISH

"To celebrate the upcoming DAAU-Donkey Road Show
Deluxe, DAAU invited Donkeys to revamp a little Anarchistic
ditty called 'CATFISH BLUES'. Also Adrian Lenski joined
in on the fun...The result is soon to be unleashed on the airwaves and
will be available both on DAAU and Donkey-sites!"

"Summer's Gone and Donkeys prepare themselves for a hot winter. Starting
this november, they will be supporting the One Group Which Deserves Everybody's
Support... Check Agenda and count the days!"

Donkey Diesel is honoured to be supporting The
Dresden Dolls on the Belgian gig of their first ever European
More details to be found in the Agenda

Extra Donkey material to be found in the
Download Section

Once again an interesting collaboration is set to take place as Gunter,
Buni & Bruno will be teaming up
with Han Stubbe and Rudy Trouvé
for a 2nd time around. What's more, Adrian Lenski will
be joining the group on piano... Theirs will be a Late Night Extravaganza
to be held on august 12th, celebrating the last "VEGETARISCHE
VOLKSKEUKEN" at the Scheld'apen
EVER... Working title 'DONKEY VEGGIE'
More details as they come!

DONKEY DIESEL will be featured on our Kingdom's Crazy
Airwaves, as the Boys Band From Hell will be subject to an in-dept look
on "Viva Vlaanderen!". Anyone who would like
to spend Election Day with Gunter, Buni
& Gregor babbling away in the nice surroundings of
Family Channel RADIO
2, is invited to tune in this sunday at 14.00h...
Donkey Punch will appear on the first edition of 'FEEST VAN DE
MUZIEK' to be held in Antwerp on june 20th . For this special
engagement Gunter & Buni will be
teaming up with Han Stubbe on clarinet, Kristiaan
"Boss Beer" Bosschaert on double bass
and Rudy Trouvé on guitar. Expect Beauty to meet
with Bruises...

Donkey Diesel's gig at the Kwartel in
Kruibeke has been dropped, due to the sad demise of this blues & roots
venue... R.I.P.

Look out for 'Kapitein Winokio Zag 1 Beer', a collection
of traditional Flemish Children Songs to be released in june. For this
compilation, Donkey Diesel contributed their 'Evil Boyscout'-take on 'Den
Boom Stond Op Den berg'. Other artists featured in this HAIKU-release
are Kamagurka, Buscemi, Think
Of One, Stijn, Vive La Fête,
Laïs and many more...
"Win a family sized ticket for Kapitein Winokio's
private boat-party on HUMO site"
Info on
Welcome to the official DONKEY DIESEL site
Enjoy The Ride !